Option A
22 %
Option B
58 %
Option C
19 %
Showing 200/200 responses
Public    08 Mar 2021
  116 Responses to Option B     45 Responses to Option A     39 Responses to Option C  
1. i just like them in that order
2. This has the most prestige in my opinion.
3. I chose option because it looks simple but still good enough to draw my interest to it.
4. I particularly like #3, the color scheme matches well and the logo is catchy. #2 is simplistic in nature, which for a law firm seems appropriate. As for #1, it seems a little bit too abstract.
5. I think my top pick looks best, bold text and a centered logo on top, that combines the M and A in a modern format.
6. Looks sleeker in option 2. Others look like an insurance company logo
7. I really like the logos that have the intricate designs. I prefer the gold slightly over the blue, only because it indicates a high level of prestige.
8. The more detailed logos show more effort. Also, blue is a trustworthy color to me, which is important for a law firm. The third logo is generic and wouldn't stand out.
9. The logo I chose as Option 1 is the cleanest of the three and stands out the best. The other two logos aren't as clean or attractive and wouldn't be as strong for the brand.
10. Option 2 and 1 looks more serious for the signature while the last one looks more colorful which takes away the seriousness for some reason, in my opinion.
11. 2
13. I think 2 is the most professional. 3 is fun, But 1 seems odd.
14. The circular symbols feel encompassing and thus likely to be successful. I like the gold over the blue colors.
15. I chose option 2 as my top choice because it looks the most like a law firm's logo. The other two logos look like they are advertising a yoga studio with the images chosen.
16. I think 2 has the most iconic look for a law firm. #3 is way too busy, 2 is understated.
17. I like the clean graphic of option 2 over the circle graphics of options 1 and 3 and I like blue over gold.
18. Option 2 really was the first that grabbed my attention it looks put together and clean not alot going on. option 1 i loved looking out the colors instanly catch you eye and make you read
19. I like the flower logo design, but it doesn't seem to fit with a law firm vibe. Something simpler works better for me. That's why option 2 was my first choice.
20. I really like the logo in Option 1. It looks the most clean and natural looking. I don't like option 3 at all as too much is going on with the design/colors.
21. I thought they looked the most appealing in the order I selected.
22. The gold really sticks out and is classy.
23. option 2 looks the most professional and is the most clear of the three choices.
24. I like the more minimalistic look of logo 1 and greatly prefer the blue color theme over the gold one.
25. I really like option 2 most. I like that the logo is clean, but also plays on the letters in the name. 1 and 3 really didn't differ much for me.
26. The three logos is very attractive and colors
27. Option 3 stands out as classy. The symbol is very nice looking. Option 1 is also very nice but sorta fades into the background. Doesn't stand out as much as option 3 Option 2 is basic boring and not memorable
28. The first choice looks modern and the color blue gives it a sense of reliability. The others look like they belong to Buddhist monasteries. My first choice is more appropriate for a law firm.
29. Option 2 was my favorite because it appears much more sleek and professional. Options #3 and #1 are too busy with their logo to the left of the text though #3 is at least not jarring in color like the gold first logo.
30. Ranked them based on how much I liked them
31. I feel like option 1 and 3 are too busy and doesn't really reflect a law firm. Option 2 is clean and seems fitting for your business.
32. The 1st and 2nd looks too much
33. I prefer the second one because, it looks so good and modern/ the third also looks slightly modern but not better than the second one/ the color of the first one is not pretty good.
34. I like the simplistic, minimalist logo in option 2. I then like option 3 because I like the blue design. I do not care for option 1.
35. I like the gold color of my first choice and I like the circular shape logo as it is unique.
36. Option 2 represents a good logo design and text. Option 1 is over the top but the design reminds me of the golden age of logo design. Option 3 is just doesn't feel right.
37. I think the gold one looks amazing and professional. The blue circle logo looks nicer than the other one.
38. I think Option 2 has the best overall look.
39. Option 2 looks more like a law firm although I'd reconsider the blue color. Options 1 and 3 look like some kind of gucci purse or cosmetic lines.
40. i like simple logo, the 2nd one , which i ranked 1st is more simple then others
41. The blue is better. It stands out and is more reassuring and calm. The two designs are good, but the #3 design is more unique and easier to remember.
42. Option 2 is clean and easy to read, option one has a nice pop of color to draw attention, and option 3 is a little busy with the logo and everything is monochrome.
43. The gold makes it stand out well and puts the right look for a logo.
44. I feel as if option 2 is the most corporate looking, which is what I'd expect for a commercial law firm. The other two are more organic feeling, and I feel would apply more to a holistic type of company, not necessarily a law firm. I chose 3 over 1 because of the coloring.
45. The solid lines of the logo representing the letter of the name is more professional and the font used matches the look of being a serious law firm. The other logos don't look like they represent a law firm, more like a yoga studio.
46. I really like option 1 and 2 because I feel they are the more professional logo. I really like option 1 because of the same reason, professional, classy and something that says we are a quality company.
47. I like number 3 the best. It's clean looking but not boring. Number 2 looks nice too but there isn't anything special about it. Number 1 is pretty but I don' t know if I would automatically know what it was for by glancing at it,
49. Option 2 looks the most professional and resembles what I would expect of a law firm. Option 3 looks like a cult that is pretending not to be a cult.
50. Option 2 is simple yet innovative given the combination of the M and A in an abstract and unique manner. The other two are nice, however, the first one is slightly better because the third option has M&A too close together
51. I like the clean logo above the name. The others are a little distracting from the name.
52. Size of print (making it more readable), clarity of print, and attractiveness of the logo design.
53. Option 2 is the most "law firm" looking. three is ok, I like the blue color. option 2 does not really look like a law firm logo.
54. The "flower like" logos strike me as older and stodgy looking. If that is the image you are going for than those logos are better. But for me I like a more progressive modern look and 2 provides that
55. Loving two it looks professional and simple the other two logos have designs that remind me more of India than a law firm.
56. The second logo seems so profession / the first one is better than the third one / the third not looks so good
57. I feel like the gold appears to be send a message of power. The blue logo that I picked for my second choice seems like a nice mix between modern and traditional. It makes me feel like the company has created with experience, but it is open to modern ideas. I do not like my third choice at all. It reminds me of a disney ride logo for some reason.
58. I think that option 2 looks more professional and relevant. The symbols on the other two (specifically option 1) remind me of mandalas. I would prefer an attorney with knowledge and professionalism. Not crystals and tarot cards. Harvard not Hogwarts.
59. One looks perfect for the business type. The 3rd on is ok. The 2nd looks like a tech company.
60. My first choice is Option 1 catches my eye, especially with the gold color. It really stands out over the other 2 options. My second choice would be Option 3 because it feels fairly similar to Option 1 although I'm personally not a fan of the blue color and the blue background behind "M&A". Lastly, my third choice would be Option 2 because I think it looks fairly bland and looks like any other logo with bad coloring. It's very basic.
61. Option 2 looks like a mountain the seems solid and dependable. Option three looks a lot like healthcare, leaving option 1 in the middle.
62. Option 1 is the most visually appealing in my view.
64. I think that the first choice I made was because the logo looked clean and professional I didn't see any logo that was trying too hard especially for a law firm. The next choices have a similar logo and I feel they are too intricate a designate as a logo.
65. Options 3 and 1 look like something a health food chain or woo company might use, whereas Option 2 looks professional and quite appropriate for a law firm.
66. Went off gut feel. I liked the warmth and class of the first option with the gold emblem. The second choice was last because it was a little generic and corporatey.
67. I love the gold for the first one. It shows power and prestige. The second one is also good. I love the use of all of the different blues in the second one. The third one is pretty generic.
68. Option 2 Logo looks very attractive and elegant one as well as looks so professional one then i choose option 1 because it have unique design then i choose option 3 because it is looks like usual one.
69. Looks clean and visually appealing. Nice color combinations
70. Option 3 looks attractive and has nice color combination.
71. Option 2 is a very tried and true design. Option 1 is a bit more showy, but still okay. Option 3 looks too biotech.
72. The logo and blue coloring stands out and is appealing, so that is why I made it my first choice. I chose the second because it has the same logo as the first ranked choice, but a different color.
73. These options are all good. I slightly prefer option 2, because M there looks like a mountain. The law firm should be stable and strong like the mountain. I think option A is too delicate. I would prefer something stronger for the law firm. Option 3 is good, but it looks too complicated.
74. its all likeable brand name in it
75. Option two is the most professional looking. Option three is more modern than option one. Option one is the worst, looking like 1970's and outdated.
76. They are all pretty good, but I think two has the best, most modern look. I'd use the design/font of 2 but with 3's layout.
77. Option 2 looks the most professional and is simple. You pay more attention to the name than to the symbol. Option 1 is better than Option 3 in terms of the symbol icon. Option 3's symbol is kind of distracting, and you don't pay attention to the name.
78. I chose the logos that most appealed to me visually.
79. Option 1 is classy, and I love the colors because they remind me of elegance. I also like option 3 because of its intricate design and the beautiful shades of blue used in the color scheme. Option 2 was my least favorite because it seems very generic and there are too many other logos that already look like this, so potential clients might get confused.
80. I like the logos for 3 and 1, but I prefer the blue to the gold colored logo and that's why 3 is my first choice. While not terrible, I just don't like 2's logo and it's firmly in last place.
81. First choice more simplistic and shows a bit of seriousness on your part, my choice 2 and 3 generally same perception, too many spherical shapes that are unnecessary
82. I like all three of these logos but I think the simplicity of option #2 can go a long way. I do like the fancy look of option 1 and option 3, though.
83. I like the sharp lines of the logo - I would be drawn to it - I don't care for the circle logos.
84. I found option 2 to be the most professional in it's strong simplicity, followed by option 3 with the logo color palette matching the text, and option 1 the least appealing as the gold seems distracting.
85. My top choice looks the cleanest and most professional (option 2). Options 1 and 3 are too fancy / busy for a law firm
86. the middle one is more professional by far. The other ones are distracting
87. Option 2 had a simple elegance, very clear to read and process, and still had a unique logo.
88. It looks appealing
89. 2 has the classiest look. 1 is fine. 3 is a little too convoluted
90. I picked Option 2 first because I think a law firm should present itself as series and no nonsense and that is what logo 2 says to me. I picked Option 3 next as it still looks pretty serious, but a little bit fun at the same time (I like that it is all in the same color family). I picked Option 1 last as it looks really artistic, which is pretty, but I don't think it fits with a law firm.
91. It is more sophisticated and stands out more than the rest of the logos.
92. The logo on option 3 looks the most attractive to me. Also, blue is my favorite color. Honorable mention to Option 1 because the gold emblem is also very attractive for this law firm.
93. I like the design for number 3; it's unique and eyecatching. #2 is a typical type of law firm logo. I think 3 is a little too flowery for a law firm.
94. The golden logo caught my attention the best, Ithink the 3rd option is an interesting design, and the second one is nice, but it's a little bland.
95. Option 2 looks the most professional and legitimate compared to the others, Option 1 looks good as well but doesn't seem as professional compared to Option 2 and Option 3 just falls short of everything mentioned earlier about Option 1 and 2.
96. I like the appeal of option 3 more than the rest of the options.
97. I feel the first one is very professionally done.
98. The gold seal stands out better, with the blue-gray seal next, the last one while nicely done does not stand out.
99. first logo with the golden picture looks more luxurious the third option is also good but option 3 looks so basic
100. The symbol makes the title stand out and the colors blend well together on option 3. Next, I chose option 1. I really like the symbol next to the law firm's name, but the colors don't flow as well. I chose option 2 last. It is bold, but too simple.
101. choice 3 and 1 look to busy and annoying. 2 is simple and easy to recognize.
102. I think the most simple logos work best.
103. Option 1 is bold and simple. It would work well in different sizes (business cards, letterhead, building sign). The other two just look busy.
104. Option 2 in my opinion looks the most uncluttered-clean and professional. Option 1 has a good font, but the mandala design is too fussy, and the colors of the mandala and font don't really go well together. The third option is the same as #2, but the blue doesn't seem as professional.
105. I like 2 the most the M in the logo works well and makes me think moutains and accomplishments. 3 and 1 both look too religious and remind me of symbols from catacheism class.
106. I think the 1st logo looks the most professional
107. I like the blue logo best with the blue words. I do like the gold Logo. Maybe with gold Words.
108. I think the 2nd and 3rd choice are too much visually
109. Option 2 is bold, clean and simple. Options 1 and 3 are too busy, logos look like flowers.
110. It has nice design in option2 .
111. I like the gold logo of #1 best. It implies prestige. . I like the logo of #3 as well, but the blue is a little more common. I don't like the MA logo of #2 as much. It's ok, but not as high end.
112. i like the middle best. it is the cleanest
113. Option three is friendly, and welcoming. Same with one, I just like the blue colors better. Option two is lacking and overall ehh.
114. First logo looks professional and clean. Second logo looks attractive but not as clean as first and third logo looks a bit common and unattractive.
115. I like option 3 because of the circular on the left. It stands out and then you see the name of the company.
116. I liked the more simple design of the logo in option 2. I like the color of option 3 over that of option 1.
117. Option two looks most professional for a law firm. The 3rd option is too artsy and my last choice
118. I really like the gold design the best. It has a very modern look to it. Option 3 is pretty good as well but I think Option 1 tops it. Option 2 is fine but I think Option 1 and 3 are better than it.
119. Option one looks classy and creative. I just like the flow of it. Option two is boring and dry, like all other law firms, but it's clean and simple. Option three looks too flowery and doesn't make me think of a law firm at all.
120. Image 2 suggests strength and history, like the great pyramids. Image 1 is ok but overly fancy, and image 3 looks like something you would see on a temple in India..beautiful, but doesn't say "law firm."
121. first choice is clear and cluttered like other two
123. I feel that Option 2 looks the most professional and modern. Options 1 and 3 are still okay, though they aren't nearly as eye-catching as Option 2.
124. Option one is classic and easy to read.
125. The logo in option two reminded me of a peak, and made me think of top performance. I liked options 1 and 3 pretty equally, but liked the colors better in option 1.
126. I like the simple modern look of option 2. I like the mandala of option 3 better than option 1
127. I actually think all of them look quite good. However, I like Option 2 the best because it's the most modern and "American" looking. It's very sharp and clear. The others have an Indian vibe, which looks nice but doesn't connote what I want in a law firm. They are aesthetically pleasing, however, although they are probably more visually complex than is necessary.
128. 3 is the most interesting and unique to me. But it also looks appropriate for a law firm. 2 is pretty typical of what I would expect for a law firm, almost too typical. But it's appropriate. Finally, 1 doesn't look like it is a law firm, more like a yoga studio.
129. The middle one is professional and easy to read. It caught my eye more than the other two.
130. I feel my first option looks more like a company logo for a law firm while the others remind me of logos for a hotel chain.
131. I chose option 3 because it wasn't as simple as option 2, but option 1 felt too fancy for a commercial law firm.
132. good
133. Option 3 is the most professional looking and fits your brand the best.
134. I like option #1 the best. I think the used of the gold/copper works well for a law firm. Option #3's logo is too busy.
135. best way to have that
136. the gold with looks prestigious and the blue round logo looks more appealing than the middle one
137. Option 2 is much cleaner
138. I don't like the kaleidoscope style logos in Option 1 and 3. I think Option 2 looks better.
139. it is more vibrant
140. I chose Option 2 as my first choice because it has a simple and clean look but command your attention. The logo gives a sense of leadership and professionalism. The other two options are not asthetically pleasing to the eye. They both seem off balance and somewhat generic such as stock art.
141. I like the artistic designs of 1 and 3. I think 2 is too basic.
142. GOOD
143. 1 is dynamic, #2 is static, #3 is unrelated due to the color scheme
144. 1 is easy on the eyes and not confusing. It looks professional; 2 is a little confusing because of the & in the center of MA; 3 reminds me of a concrete company-Martin Marietta.
145. 3 is most attractive to me and different than what I expect a law firm to have. The blue is strong, 2 is what I expect and I feel is better than number 3. Number 3 seems too soft and I do not want soft lawyers.
146. I like the detailed logo best, and the blue looks good and calming with it.
147. The decision for option 2 is because it looks fitting for a professional law firm. Option 3 the colors were nice and like the design but still preferred Option 2. Option 1 the gold was a good color but didn’t seem as vibrant as the other two.
148. Option 1 & 3 designs are too busy.
149. each one is more beautiful than the last. and communicate different messages. WTF. whats this for?
150. Option 2 seems professional and streamlined so I chose it as my overwhelming favorite. Option 1 was okay, but does not really stand out. I really do like the logo in option 3 but it just seems too busy for a law office.
151. I prefer the simpler logo. It seems more sophisticated.
152. I would take option Two (the one ranked first) as the law firm being more serious than the other two options.
153. i prefera triangle over a circle
154. These are the order in which they most stand out to me for color and originality.
155. 1 is a bit on the basic side, but this icon beside the words is too much. 2 is simple and to the point. It's also very easy on the eyes. 3 is similar to 1 but the icon is even worse and less eye-catching than 1.
156. Number one is really cool looks royal and elegant. Number 2 looks really sharp. Number 3 looks boomer like honest opinion.
157. I think 1 looks elegant and works well with what the product is suppose to stand for. 3 also looks good but it doesn't have the same elegancy to me. Option 2 Just looks bland and unoriginal, I don't like it.
158. My first choice is very simple and neat and very attractive. My second choice is option 1. It is neat. And my third choice is option 3. It looks somewhat good.
159. The blues and flower like symbol in choice 3 is more inviting and professional at the same time. The gold and flower like simple in choice 1 is professional. Choice 2 appears more centered towards what the business can do for them rather than the customers.
160. I like the simper design as it's more memorable.
161. I ranked the three logos based on legibility, as well as which is the most aesthetically pleasing.
162. Option 1 is the most appealing, the rest are not as interesting.
163. the colors are more of a professional look that number 1. Number 2 looks a bit too boring
164. Option 2 seems very traditional and serious, which is what I would like in a law firm. I like the colors of Option 1 the best. I am not a huge fan of the artwork on this particular logo, but I do like it more than I like the artwork on Option 3.
165. i like that 2 it looks professional the other options are too common looking
166. Option 2 looks most professional and typical for a law firm. Option 1 looks prestigious but somewhat unusual. Option 3 looks appropriate for a different type of organization.
167. i inspired about 1 st logo. its very clear and unique. 2 nd logo is very nice and clear. 3 rd logo is quit simple and unique.
168. I really like option 2. I like the logo a lot. I love that it has the M and A all in one. It is pretty modern and sleek. Option 1 is really ugly I would not use that one in my opinion.
169. I like how the logo looks like a mandala
170. I like number 1 the best then number 3 and then the number 2
171. I think blue suits law firm. And I like the circle logo
172. Option 2 is very clean and professional looking and attractive. Option 1 is a little bright but still attractive. Option 3 doesn't look good in my opinion
173. 1 and 3 look too much like you’re a psychic in Sedona. Option 2 looks professional.
174. Option 2 looks the cleanest, the other two just look to busy. Option 2 looks the most modern and professional.
175. I think the most bold dark letters and blue colors will stand out against what the logo is being printed on better than the gold symbol printed logo. I also think just a non symbol choice would attract low minimalist buyers.
176. The far left and right logo options just look much nicer than the middle one, which looks more like it belongs on some tech corporation.
177. It looks very unique and also very mature in the text and other design.
178. I ranked them on how much I like the way they look and how professional they look to me.
179. The first choice is bold and has a prominence for the logo The second choice has a good blend of colors The third is a bit dull due to color choice
180. this color is not too much standard . / color is deep but looks better then logo 1 / the color and design is perfect
181. First, my preferred color choices are black and blue for a law firm logo because I associate formal documents to be written in black or blue ink. My favorite is Option 2 for it's simplicity and love that I could see both the M and the A merged into one symbol. I prefer Option 3 to Option 1 due to Option 3 being blue (hence more professional looking).
182. 1 looks the most pleasing to me, and I like the color scheme the most. Then my 2nd choice is 3, as I still like the logo, but don't like the blue as much. My least favorite is 2, the logo just seems really generic to me and not memorable.
183. I wanted it to be simple and easy to red
184. option 2 looks more professional as a law firm logo. The other two look professional, but the graphic on the side give them a different look than a law firm logo.
185. I like the intricate design of option 3 and 1. It looks pretty cool. Option 2 is just too plain.
186. Since there are only 3 possible choices, I picked all of them as my top 3 choices.
187. I thought Option 3 stood out the most, it's unique and I like the coloring. Option 1 was similar but I thought the gold was a little less appealing. Option 2 was fine, it was safe and professional, I just don't think it's as memorable as the other two.
188. Option 2 to me is the most clean option. Easy to see and remember. Option 1 is less distracting than option 3 so I chose that over 3 for 2.
189. I rank the logos 2, 3, 1 because I think the Option 2 logo was very clear and modern-looking, Option 3 I like the blue colors and the design, Option 1 I liked the least even though I liked the design.
190. Option 3 has the largest and most prominent text which is why I like it the best and I also like the color scheme. I placed option 2 in the middle as I don't really like the logo but the text and colors are fine. I don't enjoy the gold gradient looking mandela design on option 1 at all.
191. I picked option 3 because I feel it looks the most professional and the cleanest of the 3 options. The other two options are nice but the logo in option 2 loos the best and less confusing than option 1 and 3.
192. This has a design with in a design due to the black outlining. This makes it look more complex, than the orange design, which is good, since law is complex. The orange one is more complex than the triangle.
193. Overall I like the somewhat regal design of options 1 and 3, but i feel that option one is too flashy. Unless you are representing only the wealthiest of clients I feel that option 3 is the better choice as it has a better overall appeal. It shows that you put some work and though into the logo and it looks professional. Again option 1 would likely be my second choice if it weren't so golden and flashy. As a regular consumer, I would probably start second guessing my place if I walked into your establishment with this logo on it. Due to that I chose option 2 as my second choice. It is nice and sleek and I think it works more for the average Joe type of consumer. Overall, if i put myself into the shoes of someone with my financial background who needed a law firm right now I would feel most comfortable walking into a building with option 3 on the front of it. It shows you mean business and are serious, without scaring me away or making me feel I am out of place. It kind of just makes me feel that you know what you are doing.
194. The logo for my first choice looks most professional. I really like the design. The colors and the font look very professional. Option 3 still looks good. My least favorite design is the first option. I don't like the color composition here.
195. The second one is definitely the best option because I associate it with a law firm right away. It is professional, clean, and easy to spot from a distance. The other two don't look like they're for a law firm (they fit a therapist office better) and you may have resizing issues because of the amount of detail in them.
196. I think that number 2 is the best as it's very clean and modern looking. The other two aren't bad just a little cluttered looking.
197. The middle logo (blue large M) is easy to process mentally and makes me think of a mountain. Moreover, a law firm that helps me conquer my legal mountains. The other two logos were harder to process mentally and distract from the firm's name, Murray & Associates.
198. 1. Option 1: Love the fancy spiral design logo, and the gold/orange color of the logo makes a nice, bright contrast to the black and white text font. 2. Option 3: Like the spiral logo in Option 1, the blue floral/geometric logo has a pretty, ornamental feel, that balances well with the simple text of the company. I would have liked more color contrast, even though the light blue is kind of nice. 3. Option 2: The stylized M and A logo just feels generic and corporate, and there's not much color contrast between the dark blue logo and black text.
200. I picked option 2 as the best because it looks like the logo of a commercial law firm while the other two have a sort of religious feel to them, like I would expect it to be the logo of a religious institution. I picked option 3 as the second best because the colors stand out better then the other one.

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